My dad decided to come over for a quick visit a couple weeks ago. It was so much fun to have him even if he was only here 16 hours! When Grandpa comes it means serious fun. This trip included egg hunts, his clever Peep and Easter games, a trip to Costco, and of course, lots of time to talk and visit. I am so blessed to have my dad! Here are a few pics to capture some of the fun.
Temecula is so colorful right now. All the blossoms and flowers are so beautiful! Even our meager little front area looks nice with pops of color.
Saturday morning Dad and I went for our walk and then took the boys to the donut shop before he packed up and drove down the road to visit Maren before heading home. The boys were in the tree waving goodbye. They are always in this tree and have become quite the little climbers.
Since baby is getting close, preparations have definitely intensified. Matt took his boards and is now spending most of his free time doing things like this... taking his car apart to fix a part so that we can sell it. I didn't really doubt that Matt could do this but seeing his car like this made me a little nervous. Miraculously, it all worked! Nice job Matt but sniff, sniff, about selling the Element. Lots of great memories!
Graham playing "Peep" ball with his carrot bat.
Temecula had their annual "Rod Run" a few weeks ago so we had to head over and check out the cars.
These boys loved posing with every car so I just picked two of the favorites
Great day to be out with my boys!