First of all, let me make it clear that I am not complaining. We have had the most fantastic summer. However, yesterday was the hottest day Los Angeles has ever seen. At 12:15pm, downtown was 113 degrees and then the thermometer broke! The kids and I tried to escape to the beach, it was 98 degrees when we pulled up but still gave us a couple of hours of relief. We got back to our apartment about 3 and immediately started running the wall AC units in our front room and in the kids room.
Something you have to understand about our apartment, we have three wall AC units: one in the living room, and one in each bedroom. But, we can only run two at a time or the power goes off or, if I need to use the microwave, I can only have one running or the power goes off.
So, I was being good only having two units running but our power went out 8 times between 3 and 7:30.
We kept our house a cave, kept wetting ourselves with cold water, and managed to survive an unbelievable hot day for the end of September! Whew! Today was luckily 13 degrees cooler, much more doable! Definitely a day for the record books.