Monday, December 31, 2012

Family Pictures- the redo session

So during Thanksgiving we had one of my friends come out to take pictures of all the Richter family. Unfortunately, it was the one day that the fog came rolling in and my spirited two year old was more than uncooperative. Thankfully, sweet Alisha let us have a little redo session which turned out much better. Here are some of the highlights.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Its Christmas Time

Ignore the fact that there are no presents underneath (they are all packed to go to AZ) and how fake the tree looks, but Crew has been begging to sleep by the Christmas tree and last night was the big night. It was a sweet scene.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Very Beachy Thanksgiving

Warm and sunny, right on the beach, this was the perfect way to spend the week of Thanksgiving. Graham was a bit on the difficult side (to be mild) but it was still a wonderful week with my family. I am definitely thankful for my amazing parents, siblings, their families, as well as my handsome hubby and our children. And of course I am also thankful for sunshine and the ocean!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Sometimes you just got to love them anyway