Monday, December 31, 2012

Family Pictures- the redo session

So during Thanksgiving we had one of my friends come out to take pictures of all the Richter family. Unfortunately, it was the one day that the fog came rolling in and my spirited two year old was more than uncooperative. Thankfully, sweet Alisha let us have a little redo session which turned out much better. Here are some of the highlights.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Its Christmas Time

Ignore the fact that there are no presents underneath (they are all packed to go to AZ) and how fake the tree looks, but Crew has been begging to sleep by the Christmas tree and last night was the big night. It was a sweet scene.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

A Very Beachy Thanksgiving

Warm and sunny, right on the beach, this was the perfect way to spend the week of Thanksgiving. Graham was a bit on the difficult side (to be mild) but it was still a wonderful week with my family. I am definitely thankful for my amazing parents, siblings, their families, as well as my handsome hubby and our children. And of course I am also thankful for sunshine and the ocean!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Sometimes you just got to love them anyway

Thursday, November 29, 2012


We have some major changes coming our way... dolls, bows, tights, dresses and the color pink! Baby GIRL Allen is due April 11th. I really still can't believe it!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Catching Up

In anticipation of Thanksgiving and all the pictures that will be taken, I thought I should do a quick little post to catch up on what has been happening the last few weeks. This little boy is getting way too big and whenever I get the chance to capture his precious moments I must take them!
 The first weekend in November Crew's school had a 5K Turkey Trot. The morning started off very chilly so we bundled up and walked over to the school.
 We brought the double stroller thinking it would be a leisure run with the boys hopping in and out. Man were we wrong! Both boys took off sprinting full speed at the start of the race. I was delegated to keep up with Crew and Matt took Graham duty. It was hilarious to see that little 2 year old speeding passed other runners as he sprinted his little heart out for about the first 1/2 mile. Matt somehow was able to keep track of him while he weaved his way through with a double stroller. I think Graham was very grateful for our "saggin wagon"
 Crew was insane! He may have a bit of his mom's competitiveness because the kid ran full speed for the entire first mile. Completely exhausted, he finally had to walk but as soon as someone would come up on him he would try to run again. Luckily, Matt and Graham caught up to us with the stroller pretty quick and so Crew jumped in too. Matt and I pushed the boys for the second mile up the big hill and then both boys were back out at the top. Graham hopped back in the stroller one more time before sprinting the last little section. He had the biggest grin on his face the whole time he ran. It was so cute! Crew finally figured out how to pace himself a little so he was able to pretty much run the last 1.1 miles of the race too. We came in under 30 minutes so I think the boys did pretty well! They definitely had a blast and loved cheering on their friends too.
 Of course Crew had a soccer game about an hour later. Somehow his stellar performance in the Turkey Trot had not affect on his game! Here he is celebrating one goal.
 And here he is scoring another
 Last week was his last soccer game (sniff, sniff). The Dangerous Dolphins had a great season and they loved every minute of it. After the game we did our soccer party at the park next to the fields.
 Crew with his fantastic coach Rebekah
 And they received their much anticipated trophies!
 So proud
Moving on... we have gotten much cooler over here lately. One night Matt read the boys books by the fire before bed. I'm sure we will be doing much more of this in the months to come.
 For Veteran's Day I took the boys on a little hike with one of my friends. The weather warmed up perfectly and we had a great day!
 It was painful for these boys to stop running and climbing long enough for a picture so this is the best we got!
 Next week we are off to San Diego where we will spend the entire week with my family. I cannot wait!

Friday, November 2, 2012

 Happy Halloween!

Halloween was much better this year than last. Graham wore his costume the entire time and we had a great time trick-or-treating. My only problem now is finding a good enough hiding place for Graham's candy. A monkey was the perfect costume for him because that boy can climb and hunt down any sugar in the house!

Crew sometimes has to play the card game war for homework. Now he wants to play it all the time and he has even taught Graham how to play. I make it a little more challenging by making him tell me the difference between the two numbers but he is obsessed with it!