Friday, September 21, 2012

Tucson with the Allens

We never got to have a reunion with all Matt's siblings this summer so we decided to all meet up in Tucson for Labor Day weekend. It was a very fast trip but so much fun. We stayed out in Oro Valley and packed our 48 hours together with tons of fun and quality time. Saturday afternoon was spent pool side.

 We have not gotten to see Matt's little sister Katherine and her family since Thanksgiving! So fun to see that cute little Clara, and Devin and Katherine of course.

 Crew loves cousin time.

 Matt with his mom and sisters Buffy (far left) and Jeni
We got up and went to church Sunday morning where I had the very exciting surprise to see my old roommate Sarah and her family. How random that we would pick her ward to go to! Here are the kids in their Sunday best.
  After church Dave and Becky had all 13 grand kids memorize an article of faith. Clara may not quite be one but you could tell she knew it :)
 Graham needed some help to but the rest of the kids were great!
 Then they gave a little devotional on putting on the armor of God. Crew loved being the assistant.
 Loving on Grandma
 Honestly, is this not hilarious!
 It was hot, humid and a lot of people but we are all in there!


 Monday morning the tough ones went out for a hike in the desert
 The mountains there are actually very pretty
 We got back from the hike and grabbed a quick breakfast before hitting the road back to California. It really was great to all be together. Thank you and we love you all Allen family!


Kendria said...

That Graham is getting so big!! Looks like a great weekend! :)

Rebecca said...

It was so much fun! However, next year we will be on the beach ALLTOGETHER for certain!! Thanks for you photos...

Lula. said...

The Allens are such a fun family. And such a good lookin' bunch, too!