Thursday, July 24, 2008

Welcome Parker!!!

For those of you who don't know, my sister Maren had her baby Monday night! Parker Clark Reese came two weeks early but is doing great and big brother Carson is loving his baby brother!

What a sweet baby!
Maren and Parker


The Adamsons said...

very handsome! when will i get to see some pics of your new town and home, etc?

Kendria said...

Congrats to MAREN! BOYS, BOYS, and more BOYS!!!

Lula. said...

That is so exciting! Congrats.

Aimee's Family Journal said...

I so hope I am having a BOY too!

Lindsey said...

Why? Why do you get to look so good in a hospital gown?! Your face is supposed to be all swollen from the fluids, not all defined and thin with your hair all perfect. Parker is just darling, and I love your choice of boy names. I hope to meet him and Carson some day.

Ashley said...

Yay! Congratulations to her! Two weeks early- that is nice!!!

Alexander said...

Your sister looks great and I loved what she named her new baby. How fun to see your family growing.