Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Christian's Visit

Christian and his buddy Ben came over Sunday to spend a couple days with us. We loved having them! Sunday night Crew and I took them to the Observatory while Matt was at meetings. It was a fantastic night!

Crew actually asked me to take this picture of him with Einstein
We saw this hawk in a tree right by the Observatory! It was so beautiful
The boys
Monday we went to Chinatown and ate at Yang Chow's.
Crew was really good at eating his fruit snacks with his chop sticks
Christian ordered for us in Chinese which was really fun. It was pretty good but Christian swears the slippery shrimp was the best shrimp he has ever had. I will just take his word on that one.
Exploring Chinatown After Chinatown we hit Santa Monica beach. It was a great day and we did some serious sandcastle building!
Pretty impressive huh?
The boys showing off their muscles
Matt, Ben and Christian did some body surfing. Crew and I are all about jumping waves but the water is still pretty chilly to get totally in! Christian couldn't find his swimsuit so he had to borrow Matt's which was way too big! He tied Ben's shoelace around it to keep it up. He looked pretty funny with his hobosuit and could barely keep it on in the waves!
I look supper nasty in this picture, but check out these gorgeous purple trees in the background. They are everywhere right now and I love them! This was saying goodbye to the boys this morning. We really loved having them and miss them already!


Katherine said...

Crew seems like such a character!

Collie Dawgs said...

Adorable pics! I can't believe your bro is already home! Time flies! We miss you guys TONZZZ!

Ashley -The Cutest Blog on the Block said...

That eagle is the coolest! Love the sand castle too, that must account for why you're so tan in the last photo! You were in the sun all day building sand castles! Sea food huh? yuck! But I'm glad Christian liked it! He looks happy to be home, and Ben too!

Rebecca said...

The picture with Crew and Einstien is so funny! I love the purple trees! I hope they are still in bloom when we come. What a fun time especially to see China Town with your Chinese brother!!!

BriAnne said...

I can't believe Christian is old enough to be an RM! How old does that make us??!! :) What happened to the days when we would sit on your front porch singing "...side by side..." haha!

Kendria said...

He is sooo tall! I bet they got a kick out of a white boy speaking CHINESE. I hope Matt relayed my message about where we got those tractor utensils... it was

Lula. said...

I just love all of your recent posts. I want to comment on every single one! A couple of things--

We are so excited to see Christian. Tell him to call us as soon as he hits Provo!

Crew is the cutest. His personality shows so much through your pictures (but still the pics aren't enough-- we need some face to face time SOON!).

You do NOT look "super nasty" in the last pic-- I dream of looking as good as you do.

I love all of the pics at the airport (and the tshirts!). Especially the one of your parents as they see Christian for the first time. Priceless.

I wish we could have crashed your family Big Surf outing again. So fun.

All the photos from Kath's wedding are so beautiful SHe was such a beautiful bride. I love you in your green shirt too. You are one hot mama!

I have so much more to say, but I think this comment is long enough. The bottom line...? We miss our Allens like CRAZY!

Poelmans said...

I love those trees too!

Elder Romney's mission said...

Remy likes Crew with the chocolate man!

Katie Hodgkiss said...

Those pictures are so cute. Especially the one of Crew and Einstein. He's so cute. Miss you guys.