Anyway, hooray Christian is home! We had a really fun week last week and I have lots of shots to show you. We must begin at the airport. My mom had shirts made and everyone who came to the airport was wearing one. We got a lot of attention from other travelers. Some thought it was an adoption, others thought military service, but when we would tell people why we were there they all were impressed with our mormon missionaries! Christian's flight landed a little after 5:30 and the anticipation watching for him was killer! Here is Crew watching through the window.
After what seemed like forever, we saw him coming. I love this picture of my parents faces when they could first see Christian coming. There were a lot of tears, but they were tears of joy and gratitude!
After what seemed like forever, we saw him coming. I love this picture of my parents faces when they could first see Christian coming. There were a lot of tears, but they were tears of joy and gratitude!
This is the crowd that greeted Christian at the airport
Our family together again. Christian looked taller but he was really just skinnier if you can believe it! Still 6"4' just maybe only 140lbs!
Christian was not sure what to do with himself once he got home so we tried to plan lots of activities. He and I took the boys to feed the horses once morning.
We also all went bowling. This was a hit especially with the little ones.
Crew was hilarious bowling. He would do his awkward run with the ball up to the lane and throw it then strut back with the biggest grin on his face! Thanks to bumpers he scored 60 and 75 points in his games! He also entertained us with break-dancing to the music when he wasn't bowling. What a funny kid.
It was great to have Christian get to know our boys again. Parker was especially fond of Christian.
We also all went bowling. This was a hit especially with the little ones.
Crew was hilarious bowling. He would do his awkward run with the ball up to the lane and throw it then strut back with the biggest grin on his face! Thanks to bumpers he scored 60 and 75 points in his games! He also entertained us with break-dancing to the music when he wasn't bowling. What a funny kid.
It was great to have Christian get to know our boys again. Parker was especially fond of Christian.
We also did lots of swimming
Jumping off the diving board
Do you think the goggles were a little tight?
Do you think the goggles were a little tight?
The lines did fade after about an hour!
Crew wanted to jump on the tramp every minute of every day! Luckily after swimming it wasn't quite so sweltering hot!
Big Surf was another highlight of the trip. The kids loved it and let's be honest, so did the adults! We loved having some of the Allens join us at Big Surf. Michael changed his flight to New York just so he could surf a couple hours! What these boys will do to surf! This is Becky with Bella
Buffy and Becky with the girls
Cam catching a wave
Crew catching a wave
Christian did a great job on his homecoming talk Sunday but unfortunately, my parents ward isn't till 1:30 so we had to take family picture before Bishop was done with his duties to get to the airport on time. Don't worry though, we got a picture of grandpa in similar lighting so he can be photo-shopped in!
It was a really fun week and so much fun to have the boy home from Taiwan!
I love the picture of you and crew at the bowling alley!
CHRISTIAN you cutie, cutie pants! I am so happy for you guys!
Yeah I've been waiting for this post! That picture of your parents at the airport watching for him seriously makes me want to cry. That needs to be framed or something. That one picture is seriously worth a thousand words. Did you guys have Big Surf all to yourselves? It sure didn't look crowded. What a fun trip home, I'm so glad it was packed with family and fun.
Yeah for Christian. That post wasn't too overwhelming Shannon! I am glad you had a fun time. Big Surf is always a blast. Can't believe how fast the time went! Yeah!
Glad the boy is home, too. He looks older and taller, if that is possible. Sure a fun picture at the airport!
YAY! I'm so happy your family is back together again. Tell Christian and your parents hello for us. He looks so good! I love those RM's!
I'm so excited for you guys! That's awesome to have Christian home! You sure have a cute family! I love the t-shirts!
You look amazing in all these pics! Especially the ones with you in Green and Pink!! Your family is so sweet!
so many great pictures of family and fun! Thanks for sharing.
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