So we have been really talking the big boy talk the past couple of weeks because we potty trained Crew (which by the way was by far the hardest task so far of motherhood! Talk about patience and long suffering!). So now Crew is all about the big boy thing. He loves his big boy underwear, everything he does is because he is a big boy, and now he has suddenly decided that he isn't quite as big as he wants to be. Twice in the last week Crew said to me "mom, I think I will be three now" I didn't really realize he put it together that he was turning three next, even though he can count, it just kind of surprised me. I said "What! You can't be three yet! Two is so much fun and we still have a little while to have fun being two." I'm not sure he was totally convinced.
This also fits in with our conversation Sunday evening while we were driving home from a fireside in Arcadia. Crew said "In three days, when I am bigger, I am going to be a basketball player and shoot hoops and dribble." We of course said "Oh really, you are going to be a big basketball player in three days?" Crew said "yes, in three days I will be bigger and Carson can be a basketball player too and we can shoot hoops and dribble."
Another cute moment occurred while we were on our way to Target last week. Crew asked "Mom what does Target mean?" I kind of laughed and then told him that Target was the name of a store like Crew is his name. He said "oh" and then I told him "good question!" These kinds of stories are getting more and more common. He also asked me what "ups" means after we say the UPS truck. We always call it the "ups" truck so I told him the real name was UPS and that stands for United Parcel Service. Then I explained that parcel is a word that kind of means mail. So, it is like a mail truck that brings us packages. He then said "packages from grandma" and I said "exactly!" I always try to tell him as close as possible what the real answers are to his questions and it always makes me smile when I see him incorporating his new knowledge.
It really is so much fun to have this big boy around but he is really getting big fast! Here are just a couple of recent pics. I took these first two before my camera battery died on our way down to Maren's a few weeks ago. Crew waiting for the train.
Staring out the window on the train.
Christian and his friend Ryan were in town for the day on their way to China last week so of course we hit up the beach. Crew really loves having Christian around. Poor Christian couldn't really even converse with us Crew was always saying his name to get his attention to tell him something else very exciting. Christian does make really fun sandcastles too.
I miss Crew so much, it hurts! I have only driven on your old street once since you've been gone because it makes me too sad.
I woke up thinking about your baby #2 this morning. I can't wait to find out. I love that sweet Crew boy. It is so amazing how well he talks. Cute boy. When do we get to see you next? We need it like bread needs butter (oh wait, you guys don't do butter)... like summer needs watermelon.
When I saw "Bigger" as the post- I was hoping for a tummy picture, but that is a cute post too!
Those are some cute stories! I love listening to toddler stories. Congrats on baby #2!
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