Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Clark Richter- Mr. Emcee

The last weekend in January, my dad was asked to Emcee a funding raising gala for the City of Mesa Arts Center. My mom was out of town on business, so Matt and I were the lucky ones to attend the extravagant event! It was so much fun and I loved being able to see my dad in action up on the stage. Matt's parents got to come with us for Becky's birthday date and we had a great night. Of course, I didn't bring my camera, which truly is a shame. But it was fun to get all dressed up and enjoy a fun night. Another bonus of the night, Matt and I won a raffle! The basket has tickets to the Ballet, Shakespeare and a hair salon gift package. Sweet!
Some of the hair product
Dad and I
This was my dad's bio in the program. He is hilarious
Great job Dad! We are proud of you!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Thanks again for a fun evening. Your Dad and Grant Woods ought to go on the road with their show!