Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Go Trojans???

Well, it is official! We are heading off to L.A. at the end of the summer to start physical therapy school at USC. It was a tough decision but we are so excited for this new experience. Don't worry, we will still cheer for the cougars!


the waites said...

when my dad told me, I was so excited! Hopefully we can beach it together and watch the husbands surf. I will have to get your # when your all settled. Do you know where your going to live??

Aimee's Family Journal said...

HA! Now you can be on "Real housewives of Orange County". One of my favorite shows!

The Hunter Family said...

I can't blame you. The surfing will be a great release. Good for you guys. Too bad we were never able to catch each other on the phone.

Whitney said...

Yay! I am so excited that you guys are coming out here! We will for sure have to get together. Let me know where you guys decide to live.