Thursday, December 2, 2010

No Words...

WARNING! The pictures at the bottom may be a little hard to look at so here is your heads up.Yesterday something truly terrible happened. There aren't any words that could sufficiently describe how awful and sorry I feel for my little Graham. Yesterday morning Graham and I went to pick up Crew from his little Co-op preschool. I couldn't find Graham's shoes but it was just downstairs so I just carried him down. While we were there, Graham was playing with some kids and somehow wandered onto a floor heating vent. I heard him start crying and raced over to pick him up but it was too late. His right foot was burned really badly. I tried to keep ice or cold water on it but he was screaming. It was terrible! My pediatrician said to bring him in immediately and after almost two hours of the saddest crying, his foot was bandaged and the ibuprofen must have finally kicked in or he was just exhausted from pain and crying. He has second degree burns on most of his foot and some areas of third degree burns. I still tear up thinking about how much he must of hurt. Thankfully, he doesn't seem to be in much pain now (thanks to steady doses of iburpofen). He is starting to adjust to having to crawl again and when he stands up, he stands on his left leg and holds his right leg limp like an animal would an injured paw. Oh he is so precious and I still can't believe this happened. It will be at least a couple weeks before he will be able to walk again but he should recover fully. Keep this sweet boy in your prayers and I will keep you posted on his recovery. These are pictures from today at the doctor's office and then at home between dressings.


Maren said...

Holy crap . . . poor baby, that is so sad. I can't believe that. I hope he is feeling well.

Jamie said...

Oh my gosh, that breaks my heart! Poor little boy. Its so sad seeing our kids in pain. Hope he gets better soon!

Emily said...

Oh Shan, that is awful and sooo sad. Poor little Graham and mom too!

Lynnette said...

I almost get sick just looking at those photos! Give Graham some extra hugs from me.

Katherine said...

I just cry every time I think about it! He's definitely in our prayers. I love that boy.

Ali said...

oh that is so sad! I feel so bad for him. It is the worst feeling seeing your child in pain.

Rebecca said...

You know how I feel about that PRECIOUS baby boy! I just cry thinking about him and we are all praying that he will heal completely and quick.

EmilyHerb18 said...

I'm seriously tearing up reading this. POOR POOR GRAHAM! That's the saddest thing ever. I'm so sorry Shan! We'll pray for a swift recovery. love you all!

courtney said...

jer & i can't believe the photos :(
we're praying for him too.
we love you guys.

CHRIS and JENNY. said...

oh shannon....poor grammy. those pictures, his poor little foot. we're thinking of him :(

Cody, Allison, Kaitlyn and Andrew said...

Oh how sad! That breaks my heart seeing his poor foot. Hope recovery is fast.

Jill Rogers said...

Oh sad!!! Poor guy!!! Grant was burned really bad once too, it was NOT easy- It was horrible how they had to scrub the skin off, and wrap it. He was burned on his stomach. It is not easy having to change their dressings either, I imagine with a foot it's a lot harder, especially when they're that age. Hope it heels quickly!

Ashley -The Cutest Blog on the Block said...

oh my goodness what the heck! i'm just finding out about this! i'm so sorry shan how terrible for little graham!