Sunday, January 16, 2011


Can you believe this boy is one? Well, he is really almost 13 months because it has taken me forever to post about his birthday. Anyway, Graham turned one on Dec. 27th. This little guy is definitely special. Graham thinks he should be able to do anything Crew does and for being so little, he is able to do a suprising amount! He runs everywhere, climbs everything, wants everything, and can't say much which means I am a busy mama! Graham loves being outside and has been in heaven playing in the yard. He loves books. Graham has two favorite books that he brings to you and yells at you until you stop to read it to him. As soon as I sit down to read to him, he crawls up on my lap and sits so still, it is shocking! At his well child appointment, Graham weighed 24 lbs (60%) and was 25 1/2 inches tall (25%). He is short and stalky and we just love this boy! Here he is riding the plasma car.

Did I mention he loves the piano?
On Graham's birthday, we had a little balloon party for him at Grandma and Grandpa Allen's house
It was also his cousin Tate's birthday on the 27th. So it was fun to have a little party for the two cousins.
The Balloon cake (Graham obviously not too sure about it)
Checking it out
Mom my hands are dirty!
Much better Loving time with Grandma Allen
Crew and Remy, such good little buddies
Jeni and her birthday boy!


Maren said...

Happy Birthday Graham-man. He looks so big in that pic on the piano, the angle just gives you a glimpse of what he is going to look like as a little boy.

Rebecca said...

It was so fun having everyone there for Graham and Tate's birthdays! Graham is just trying to be a regular big kid now. He is so cute and precious. (I know, spoken like a true Grandma!)