Monday, September 7, 2009

Weekend at Carson's: Part 1

Crew and I picked Matt up from school Thursday afternoon and we made our weekend escape from the nasty air and roasting temperatures! Have I mentioned how grateful I am that Maren is only two hours away! We had a fantastic weekend in San Diego. Crew and Carson at a cool water park by Maren's house. We stayed around Maren's most the day Friday including this fun park, swimming and lots of cousin playing time.

Saturday morning we got up and went to Del Mar beach about 8:30. It was a great morning on the beach. Enjoying their donuts for breakfast.
The water was so warm! It was 78 degrees and felt almost tropical! We all were in the water all morning which is unusual for me to be in more than 5 or 10 min! Crew and Carson loved jumping and wiping out in the waves.

The only problems is this makes Crew's pants fall down! Maren couldn't resist this shot she was so impressed with his golden tan!
Matt caught a few waves. No wetsuit! Seriously so warm!

Crazy Parker boy!
We stayed until noonish but it was a great start to the day.
Of course the best part of all of Saturday was the BYU vs. Oklahoma game! Don't worry, Carson has a shirt now but the boys are enjoying Popsicles and sporting their jerseys. The game was totally awesome and we were screaming so loud we made Carson cry. Go Cougars!

Matt is definitely the favorite and fun one. He always makes up treasure hunts for the kids on both sides of the family. Parker got to be one of the clue's hiding spots. The funny thing is that he was following the boys all over the house as they were finding the other clues and they never noticed. When they finally got to the clue on Parker's back they laughed so hard. Parker thought it was fun to laugh too.

When the kids went to bed, the adults got to play. The last night we played 5 crowns and the loser of each round got to wear the helmet of shame (Caron's Optimus Prime transformer helmet complete with voice changer). It was pretty hilarious and we all got a few rounds in the helmet of shame.
Those Reese's are always so fun to be around.
A classic Crew story from the weekend: Crew has been doing really well with potty training (I will admit the tough couple of weeks were totally worth it), however, lately he has been letting us know when he has to go to the bathroom by telling us things like "I do not have to go to the bathroom" or "My tummy does not hurt" in which case we immediately rush him into the bathroom and sure enough he goes. Well, Maren and I had the boys at the store Michael's when Crew tells me "I am not going huge stinky in my pants!" Thank goodness we made it to the bathroom in time before it came true but it quickly became our favorite saying for the weekend.


Rebecca said...

How much fun!! Looks like killer waves for Matt! Can't wait to be on the beach with you in October!

The Perkinsons said...

Looks like a super fun weekend! Im jealous you are so close to your sis! Thats awesome!
The little story about crew made me laugh out loud! ha ha. Hillarious!

Kendria said...

That potty training story is so funny! I love it! Deacon just goes in his pants and then hands it to me!

Ashley -The Cutest Blog on the Block said...

I giggled a few times reading this post! That optimus prime mask is hilarious! I love that story about crew too. They have no idea that we can read them like a book sometimes. That water looks so inviting at the beach. I sure love anything antigravy during this pregnancy!

The Adamsons said...

those boys are so ADORABLE! and what great tans they the mask you were wearing by the way!

Lindsey said...

This is going to be a long comment, brace yourself. First of all, Holy Hale!!! My jaw is totally touching the floor over Crew's swimming. He should go on the Oprah show or something. That is unbelievable. "I am green with jealous rage" (Vultron from Hot Rod)
Next, love those pictures at the beach of the sillhoutes of Crew and Matt when you were excaping the fires. I'm glad to hear you guys are safe and sound.
Also, it hurts my heart to see pictures of your visit at your parents house in your backyard. I just can't believe that you and I were living out our childhood in that exact same place and now we have kids of our own.
I'm so happy for you that you live so close to Maren. All of your boys are so cute. Carson is sooooo tan!! How fun to have a bundle of boys. I also love the Transformer mask, I will definitely be incoorporating that into my family's card playing.
I want to see more photos of you pregnant. You're one of "those" girls who just looks smokin' when they're with child. Except you look that way even when you're not with child.
Last but not least I am loving the Lily Padz, best gift ever!! So I guess I could've left all this in an email, whoopsi. Oh well. Take care!

Ashley said...

Nice board Matt! What, did you buy it used?