Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Parker's 1st birthday trip

Maren's little boy Parker turned one yesterday so we all met up in San Diego last weekend to celebrate. Matt had to wait to leave until he finished up at his internship for the day so Crew and I left early and took Amtrak down to San Diego. Crew absolutely loved it! His little face was plastered against the window for the entire first hour. It was really fun. Here is our arrival party waiting for us at the train station. I still love that Christian is home and there with us now.
Our train approaching. I seriously can't describe enough how much Crew loved this. He was so sad we didn't get to ride it back home.
Grandpa and the boys at the station

After they picked us up the grown ups ate at Roberto's and the boys had chicken nuggets.
After lunch it was back to Maren's where the boys anxiously awaiting opening Grandpa's yellow suitcase. Anytime all the kids are together the yellow suitcase is packed full and waiting.
Maren and Cam's ward was having their ward camp out that night. Since it was only 20 minutes away we went for a little while. Crew and the boys loved playing in the woods. Throwing rocks, finding sticks and playing in the tent, all the perks of camping without spending the night!
Throwing his rocks he found while exploring with grandpa

Matt got in late Friday night and was up early surfing the next morning. We all spent most of the morning and early afternoon at the beach in Del Mar. Who doesn't love the beach?

After the beach it was party time. The whole reason for the trip was for this little boy. He did ok with the cake but was really fun to be around the whole weekend. Maren threw a darling Monster party, since Parker really is kind of like a little Monster.

Crew very into his cupcake
Grandma and Grandpa with the kiddos
We drove back late Saturday night. It was a fun trip and Happy Birthday Parker! We love you!

1 comment:

Lula. said...

Wow. I just got caught up on all of your posts (since not having internet for so long and then being on vacation...). A few things---

Arkansas looked like so much fun. It looks like Crew was in heaven. A little boy's dream place, for sure! You guys got some great pictures!

I love that you guys get to see both sets of parents so often. We miss your parents (both sets).

All those little Richters grandsons are so handsome. They could seriously be in magazines. I love this last photo of Clark and Lynette with them, and I LOVE the yellow suitcase.

We miss you guys like crazy!